Understanding Your Brand’s Target Market
In almost every case, brands aren’t specific with who they are talking to. They talk in the voice of the founder or the intern who picked up the social media accounts. The more specific you can define who your target market is, the more specific your strategic messaging can be. No more guessing games about who is reading your content or buying your products. It all starts here with defining your target audience.
The Top 5 Mistakes in Launching a Rebrand
More times than we can count, we've seen incredible businesses complete a rebrand or identity refresh and make some critical — even fatal — mistakes with launching it. These mistakes affect both internal and external stakeholders and can sometimes have the opposite intended effect or repositioning a company's identity.
Mastering the Brand Experience
There are limitless elements to consider when building a brand. An oft-overlooked component is developing a strategic brand experience where your customers feel a series of positive emotions when engaging with your brand. Designing your brand experience is a thoughtful combination of brand strategy, customer experience, and user experience — and all of it helps improve the awareness and differentiation of your business.
13 Simple Ways to Set Achievable Brand Awareness Goals
Setting brand goals might feel hard to do because of how intangible “brand” is talked about in today’s ecosystem. But there are elements of your digital presence you can track to relate back to your brand’s awareness and empathy in your customer’s mind. Follow our simple guide to setting your goals and stay on track and on target with your growth!
Website Lingo: Learning A New Language
Learning any new language holds its challenges, but understanding the lingo your web design and development firm will use to build your site can seem more confusing than it should be. Check out our ultimate guide to the most common industry lingo terms and key elements of a website so you know exactly what you (and they) are referencing every step of the way.
Crafting Effective Vision and Mission Statements
Have you ever read a vision and mission statement and wondered why it's so important? Or how they even came up with it? Here we talk about how to craft effective statements, why they are essential to your business, and how to execute them with a plan.
Your Guide to The One-Page-Website
One-page websites are an ideal starting point in building your brand whether personal or business. With ease of use, higher conversions, quicker performance, and a simplified look and feel, you can feel confident in your digital presence without a multiple-page, full navigation website.
Navigating a Personal Brand Photoshoot
We created seven steps to help you navigate a personal brand photoshoot. Whether it's personal or corporate, we have art directed our fair share of brand photoshoots and know how to make it count. Use top tips for planning and scheduling your own!
Building a Content Strategy for your Brand
Whether you're a small or large business, content is a big part of how your audience perceives your brand. Planning and strategizing to create the right content for your audience is important if you want to build an authentic connection with them. We developed some tips to help make this process smoother.
How to Know if You Need to Rebrand
A rebrand can be a hugely beneficial tool but should be used sparingly. There are four main scenarios that may prompt need for a rebrand. Outside of those scenarios, your strategy deployment or marketing campaigns may need a refresh but your brand doesn’t need to be redone.
Standing Out in an Information-Rich and Time-Poor Society
Across every industry and every product line, the challenge of positioning your brand in an information-rich and time-poor society pervades every design and marketing strategy. There are five key strategies for standing out.
Ikigai and What It Means for Your Business
Uncover what you love, what you’re good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs from you. Infusing ikigai into your business is a journey, not a single exercise; but it’s a journey with a huge reward at the end.