Understanding Your Brand’s Target Market
In almost every case, brands aren’t specific with who they are talking to. They talk in the voice of the founder or the intern who picked up the social media accounts. The more specific you can define who your target market is, the more specific your strategic messaging can be. No more guessing games about who is reading your content or buying your products. It all starts here with defining your target audience.
Crafting Effective Vision and Mission Statements
Have you ever read a vision and mission statement and wondered why it's so important? Or how they even came up with it? Here we talk about how to craft effective statements, why they are essential to your business, and how to execute them with a plan.
Standing Out in an Information-Rich and Time-Poor Society
Across every industry and every product line, the challenge of positioning your brand in an information-rich and time-poor society pervades every design and marketing strategy. There are five key strategies for standing out.
Reasons Why Your Brand Strategy is Falling Short
Take inventory of these four common brand strategy and deployment mistakes and find out if you’re making any of them. There are two factors that determine whether your brand strategy will get the results you want: the strategy itself and the way you carry it out.