Building a Content Strategy for your Brand
Whether you're a small or large business, content is a big part of how your audience perceives your brand. Planning and strategizing to create the right content for your audience is important if you want to build an authentic connection with them. We developed some tips to help make this process smoother.
How to Know if You Need to Rebrand
A rebrand can be a hugely beneficial tool but should be used sparingly. There are four main scenarios that may prompt need for a rebrand. Outside of those scenarios, your strategy deployment or marketing campaigns may need a refresh but your brand doesn’t need to be redone.
The Power of Human-centered Branding
Human-centered branding is an unparalleled strategy to build irrevocable trust and understanding with your customers, but it has to be done authentically. Check your brand’s humanity against four qualifiers and then follow three steps to instilling more humanity into brand.
The Value of Professional Brand Strategy and Design
Knowing what you should invest in to build your business is critical to seeing either brand growth or brand death. Discover the five core benefits of a strong brand strategy and design to determine if you’re ready to make the leap into growth.
Forgotten Places to Deploy Your Visual Identity
One of the biggest mistakes we see after a company or entrepreneur goes through a visual identity design process or rebrand is that they don’t effectively deploy their new identity onto various print and digital materials. Make sure you have a good logo, and then utilize it everywhere you can. Keep reading to see the five oft-forgotten places to add your logo.
Five Elements of Designing a Logo that Resonates
Your logo is a key element of your overarching visual identity. Whether you’re starting a new company or redesigning or refreshing an old logo, there are five keys to designing a logo that resonates with your audience. If you follow the five keys, you’ll end up with a timeless identity that people will remember for years to come.
Color Psychology in Brand Identity and Personality
The Color Wheel is no mystery. It’s a tool to use when working with when determining colors and their relationship to different meanings. The Treadaway team breaks down nine different core color personalities and palettes we see in modern branding and their implications on customer response.
Understanding the Investment Behind Professional Design
The downfalls of DIY design, the shortcomings of a logo design on its own, and the importance of education in working with professional designers — the question isn’t how much of an investment it will be, the question is how much does it cost not to have professional design.
Should Brand Identity and Verbal Identity Be Equally Important?
Brand messaging is one of the most overlooked elements of brand-building. Yet, when your logo will fail, it is your brand messaging that will save you. Learn the five core questions to ask about your brand story and what you need to get starting on your brand messaging today.